If you or someone you know needs professional addiction treatment but is delaying help due to fears or preconceived notions about the process, it’s time to lay anxiety to rest. People who have been through alcohol and drug addiction treatment programs have only positive things to say about their experiences. Many even credit treatment programs with saving their lives. The time to fight for a better life is now. Don’t let the following fears or misconceptions delay your recovery. Professional help can enable you to achieve lifelong sobriety.
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Here are 4 Common Fears and Misconceptions About Addiction Treatment Programs
1. Treatment Is too Expensive
One of the main deterrents standing between many addicts and recovery is fear of the price of treatment. No price is too high, however, to get your life back. An addiction treatment program could be your door to sober living, mental well-being, and the power to resist relapse. It could be your ticket to new job opportunities, repaired relationships with loved ones, and physical health. Don’t let the price tag on a program stand in your way if it’s the right one for you. Staff members at Burning Tree Lodge by Burning Tree help clients with costs through insurance benefits whenever possible.
2. Everyone Will Judge Me
Fear of what others will think can be enough to stop some people from seeking professional help. Instead, they attempt to get sober “quietly,” on their own. There is a reason treatment centers exist. Self-recovery has a very low success rate. Even if you manage detox and stay sober on your own, your odds of relapse are higher if you don’t have the strong support system and foundation you receive during professional treatment. In many cases, trying to self-detox can be fatal. Seeking treatment won’t sully your reputation with people who truly care about you. In fact, it often earns loved ones’ respect.
3. I’ll Lose My Job or Custody of My Kids
Joining an addiction treatment program means explaining to your boss, your friends, and your family members where you’ll be for the next 30 to 60 days. Making this commitment can be a tough and scary decision. If you don’t seek help, however, you could lose your job and your family anyway. The Family and Medical Leave Act gives you permission to leave your job for medical reasons for up to 12 weeks without fear of job termination. You have a much higher chance of retaining child custody by seeking addiction treatment than you do continuing with substance abuse.
4. It Won’t Work
Finally, a common fear is that a rehab program simply won’t work. If you’re afraid of spending a great deal of time and money on an inpatient program, only to relapse the day of your discharge, talk to a professional. Speaking with an expert on the subject can help you realize that you’ll have a team of people dedicated to your long-term recovery. During a long-term rehab program, you’ll learn important tools you can take with you long after you leave. The right program will have support systems and therapies that stick with you for life. Contact us for more information about our drug and alcohol recovery program today.