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How to Get Someone into Treatment

Getting someone into treatment can be challenging. But different circumstances warrant different approaches to getting someone into treatment.

It basically all comes down to willingness. Is your loved one or friend willing to go to treatment?

If they are willing, then getting someone into treatment becomes a lot easier. However, you still need help determining what level of care is needed.

If your loved one has gone to multiple 30-day treatment centers and it hasn’t worked, then that person might suffer from chronic relapse. They might need a long-term treatment program that is going to help them change how they respond to life.

If this is your loved one’s first time in treatment, then they should go to a 60-day treatment program or a 90-day treatment program. If that is the case you will want to verify your insurance if you want to use it or find a program that complements your loved one’s needs.

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Consider Mental Health

If your loved one has a co-occurring mental health issue, you want to find a program that is dual diagnosis. These are treatment centers that have the ability to treat substance use disorders and mental health at the same time.

Mental health is things like bipolar, anxiety, trauma, depression. Often mental health and substance use disorder are so intertwined you need the proper expertise to address both.

Consider Detox

If your loved one is saturated with alcohol or drugs, then they are going to need to detox. Detoxing from alcohol and drugs can be dangerous. If professional help is not provided, the person detoxing could die.

Read more about detox here.

What Happens if Your Loved One is Not Willing?

Some people are so resistant to getting the help they need they refuse treatment.

One of the main problems is that your loved one is in a delusional state. They think their alcoholic or drug-addicted life is normal. They have lost the ability to differentiate the true from the false.

Because of this delusion, they do not want help. Because they think they are living normally, they think they can continue to manage their lives. And even though the evidence has mounted through consequences like unemployment, jail, and relationship problems, they cannot see it.

So what are you to do?

Use Leverage

If you have leverage, you can use it.

For example, if you are a parent supporting your son or daughter, you can use this as leverage. If someone is facing prison, you can use it as leverage as well.

Our admissions specialists can help you learn how to properly use leverage to help someone become more willing.

Use a Professional

Sometimes, however, communication between you and your loved one is so bad, you need a professional third party who knows how to talk to someone addicted to alcohol and drugs.

In these cases, a professional intervention could be needed. Professional interventionists can help you navigate through the intervention process. They will help you learn to respond in a better way that will help your loved one.

And if the intervention does not get your son or daughter into rehab, they will coach you on what to do next.

And in some unfortunate cases, you must wait until the addict or alcoholic has a window of honest and painful remorse. Once that window is open, it’s imperative to act quickly.

That window of remorse and willingness to change closes quickly. The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous states that your loved one has about a week to a month before he begins to get agitated again and seek relief.

Some people who suffer from chronic relapse have an even shorter window. It’s critical to be prepared.

Be Ready for a Discharge Plan

Getting your loved one into treatment is not the end goal. The end goal is that your loved one can be and stay sober, contribute to life and grow.

Treatment does not create all of this. Treatment is only the beginning.

The reason is that addiction and alcoholism are chronic problems. They will not be solved just because you treated it for 30 days.

Your loved one will need continued care after treatment. It’s critical that you find a treatment center that deems discharge planning just as important as the intervention or treatment itself.

Call Admissions if You Have Questions

If you’d like to talk to our professional admissions team to learn how to use leverage, verify insurance or seek help with a professional interventionist, we can help you. Our team is dedicated to helping people find ethical, affordable treatment.

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