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Family Program at Burning Tree Lodge: Educating & Restoring Families

Addiction doesn’t just affect the individual struggling with substance use – it impacts the entire family system. And when it comes to the recovery journey, we recognize the significant role that families play in the recovery process.

Our Family Program is designed to provide education, support, and healing for those who have been affected by a loved one’s addiction.

The comprehensive 2-day program, led by our experienced and compassionate care team at Burning Tree Lodge, offers families the tools and knowledge they need to navigate the complex journey of recovery alongside their loved one.

What is the Impact of Addiction on Families?

When addiction enters a family, it often leaves a trail of confusion, pain, and disrupted relationships.

Common reactions among family members include:

While families naturally want to help their loved one, their well-intentioned actions can sometimes inadvertently contribute to the problem. This often manifests as codependency or enabling behaviors, which can hinder the recovery process despite being born out of love and concern.

What are the Core Components of Our Family Program​?

Our Family Program is built on three fundamental pillars:

Through these components, we aim to initiate the healing process for the entire family unit, addressing the impact of addiction on all members.

“Our goal at Burning Tree Lodge is to embrace the family system as quickly as possible, because we believe that early intervention for the family is critical to the recovery process.”

Doug Wade, LMFT

Family Program Director

Ending the Cycle of Generational Addiction

Making Time for Healing

It is our experience that addiction often runs in families, perpetuated by established ideas and beliefs that can become barriers to seeking help.

Our program prioritizes the recovery of the family as a whole by focusing on:

  • Breaking the cycle of untreated addiction
  • Raising awareness about addiction’s impact on future generations
  • Addressing and modifying codependent and enabling behaviors
  • Promoting self-care practices for family members

Tackling these issues head-on helps our families create a healthier environment that supports long-term recovery for their loved ones.

Getting Started with The Family Program at Burning Tree Lodge​

Our Family Program is offered once a month and is open to families of clients in treatment at Burning Tree Lodge. To participate, simply contact us directly or speak with your loved one’s treatment team at Burning Tree Lodge. We will provide you with upcoming dates and help you register for the program.

Know that by participating, you’re taking an important step not only in supporting your loved one’s recovery but also in your own healing journey. Remember, recovery improves when all those affected by addiction accept help and take action to heal.

“I recently completed a thirty day treatment program thru Burning Tree, and my experience was nothing short of a miracle. The Counselors and staff were wonderful with their approach to the treatment of myself and the other clients. I can’t sing enough praises for the remarkable change that has taken place in my life.
Charlene S.
Burning Tree Lodge Alumni

A Nationally Recognized Name Right Here in Texas

Burning Tree Lodge is regularly featured on some of the Nation’s most prominent and well-known media outlets.

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